Thursday 5 June 2014

CEED or GATE which one for me?

From the time I went to my Engineering Diploma college to the discussions with my B.E. friends on the topic of career options I have always heard about GATE - Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering. As a proud engineering student who had an inclination towards the word 'Design', GATE sounded like a great option. The thing was, along with my college (scholar, studious) friends who were preparing for GATE exam;  my elder sister also bragged about cracking GATE in her Instrumentation Engineering stream. When I went to get application form for GATE the lady on the counter asked "Do you also want CEED form?". That's the first time I heard about CEED -Common Entrance Examination for Design. Even today's scenario is reflected by seeing number of students appearing for GATE 2014 and CEED 2014.
No one knew about CEED around me in those days. Not even the professors. Once, after going through my journal in which I drew 3D drawings of the experimental set-up instead of drawing boring, regular 2D line diagrams; a newly joined young Assistant Professor asked me "You should consider CEED exam." That is the second time I heard about CEED. Yes, I did ask him "What is CEED?" and yes, the answer was as confusing as it possibly could have been. The following initial level comparison will help a novice to get a basic understanding of difference between M.Tech and M.Des. In other words difference between GATE and CEED.

As a passionate engineer I was more interested in application of learnt concepts than to by-heart formulas and remember equations. It was reflected in the GATE results. In that phase of confusion, I was also enjoying my first job as Ancillary Development GET (Graduate Engineering Trainee) in an automotive company. That is the period when I shared a place with a Design engineer in the same company and with an Industrial Design Center (IDC IIT Bombay) Alumnus. Those friends encouraged me to give CEED, a good one year after my graduation.

I enjoyed those three hours of CEED exam. It was reflected in the results as well. What happened after that is another story.